Onpage Analysis

Optimize technology, content and user experience to be found at the right moment.

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Our services & levers for the Onpage Analysis

A good ranking in the search results is important. As an SEO agency, we therefore analyze the individual requirements for your website and take the right measures.

Keyword research

The selection of suitable search terms is of central importance for the organic increase in visibility of a website. We always take into account current developments, trends and parameters that can change your placement in the search results. We analyze your business profile, your areas of activity and expertise as well as your company’s competitors and determine the keywords that are relevant for you, taking various factors into account. The key – so that you are visible and can be found digitally!

✔ Better Google rankings

Through specifically planned measures, we increase your visibility, secure top rankings and maximize your findability.

✔ Improving the UX

The on-page analysis uncovers weaknesses in user-friendliness and provides recommendations for improving navigation and design, among other things.

✔ Organic reach

With a holistic SEO strategy, we establish long-term success and expand your organic reach sustainably and verifiably.

✔ Increased website traffic

Through targeted optimization, we attract more visitors, increase your traffic and create the basis for your online success.

✔ Improved conversion rate

Our focus is on visibility and usability in order to convert visitors into customers and optimize the conversion rate.

✔ Optimization of loading times

An on-page analysis checks the loading speed and identifies slow elements. Fast websites generally have better rankings.

What does the on-page analysis involve?

However, it often takes at least three months for optimizations to take effect.

As part of the SEO strategy, on-page analysis refers to all the measures that are carried out directly on the website and is therefore distinct from off-page SEO.

It is a central component of search engine optimization. The on-page analysis records the status quo of the website and is the first step towards a successful SEO strategy. The analysis offers numerous advantages and through the targeted optimization or implementation of the measures, you as a company can strengthen your online presence, generate more traffic and ultimately increase your conversion rates.

Why do you need SEO and consulting?

We explain them to you

The on-page analysis covers various areas. A website audit should always serve as the basis for an onpage analysis. The aim is to increase the visibility of your website and improve your search engine rankings.

A thorough on-page analysis helps you to identify technical errors on the page, optimize content and improve the user experience.

  • Technical analysis: A comprehensive on-page analysis checks the technical infrastructure of your website. This includes the source code, loading times, status codes and website structure.
  • Content: Content is the heart of your website. Keywords, content, meta & HTML tags and rich media are examined as part of the on-page analysis.
  • UX: Various aspects of the user experience (UX) are checked and optimized as part of the on-page analysis. This includes, for example, mobile optimization, the navigation structure and interactive elements such as forms. A good UX leads to longer visit times, lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates, which ultimately increases the success of a website. Optimizing the user experience as part of on-page analysis is a holistic process that takes into account technical aspects, content and design.

Special attention should also be paid to mobile optimization and internal linking in order to ensure optimal usability.

As an onpage SEO agency, we are at your side and help you with the customized implementation of important on-page measures.

Tools in the context of onpage analysis

The use of various tools for on-page analysis is crucial in order to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the website.

Tools such as the Google Search Console and Google Analytics support the technical analysis and provide valuable insights into user behavior.

Crawlers such as Screaming Froh are also indispensable for identifying errors such as broken links and other technical problems.

GTMetrix is a popular analysis tool for website loading times and for identifying speed problems.

SEO agencies like Loyamo have in-depth knowledge and years of experience in the field of search engine optimization. For us, on-page analysis is a routine task that we carry out with precision and efficiency. But we also know that no two websites are the same and that every website has individual requirements and goals. For this reason, we treat every on-page analysis we carry out as a bespoke project. Get in touch with us today without obligation and let us advise you on the subject of offpage analysis.

Are you interested in a consultation?

Arrange a non-binding initial consultation today and see for yourself.

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benedikt mueller
physio station logo
Last week we did a complete website, Google SEO and SEA relaunch with Loyamo.

Loyamo provided outstanding support for the project. I am impressed that we met all the deadlines, the concept of the site is very cleverly thought out and structured. The collaboration with the whole Loyamo team is great!

Benedikt Müller, Owner, Physio Station AG
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Loyamo has accompanied us for many years as a reliable and knowledgeable partner for websites, SEA and SEO.

Thanks to Loyamo’s conversion optimization, we receive significantly more inquiries that precisely match our target group. We particularly appreciate the professional cooperation and the know-how of the entire team. We look forward to further cooperation!

Lea Saurer, Deputy Director, Saurer Marking Solutions
We have been working with Loyamo on a basis of trust for years.

The team provides us with strong support throughout the entire SEO process. From keyword research and assistance with technical SEO to optimized texts for dedicated landing pages, Loyamo is the number one contact because they work reliably and flexibly, but also approach the matter critically in order to achieve the best possible result for the TUM Campus Heilbronn. Loyamo is also the first choice for other website issues, such as the short-term implementation of WordPress instances, due to their expertise and flexibility.

Malte Mattick, Marketing Manager Website, TUM Campus Heilbronn
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The collaboration with Loyamo over the past months has been a great journey of growth and learning.

We received expert support at all times on our SEO & LinkedIn strategy and tailored recommendations. The team’s professionalism, commitment and responsiveness exceeded our expectations. We recommend Loyamo to anyone in search of high-level digital support.

Sara Bernardi, Key Account Director, Mr. Marine
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We've been partnering with Loyamo since 2018.

We’ve been partnering with Loyamo since 2018, crafting a series of flourishing content marketing campaigns. Loyamo’s impressive SEO skills, combined with their creative content strategies, have effectively achieved and often surpassed our campaign goals and expectations.

Mauro Cattaneo, SEO Lead, ifolor
holidaycheck website
In recent years, we have relied on Loyamo's support in all SEO matters.

We were able to draw on extensive and elaborate analyses as well as advice and support in technical SEO. We particularly appreciate the open exchange and honest feedback as well as the expertise and experience of Loyamo employees.

Christian Hübsch, SEO Lead, HolidayCheck
roomours website
For us, the collaboration with Loyamo makes perfect sense.

For us, the collaboration with Loyamo makes perfect sense because the SEO and SEA measures for roomours GmbH are now perfectly coordinated and Loyamo’s interdisciplinary team is very meticulous about the essential nuances in the respective optimization steps – the hoped-for results were already visible after a short time.

Andreas Struppler, Director, roomours GmbH
ottonova website
The cooperation with Loyamo so far has always been characterized by expertise, openness and fun at work.

Thanks to the competent support, we have developed a precise roadmap for expanding our digital SEO visibility and can now implement it. We would like to thank Loymao for their excellent work and look forward to working with them in the future.

Charlotte Altmann, former Team Lead Content Marketing, ottonova
studienkreis website
We are delighted to have Loyamo at our side as a trusted partner for our online marketing activities.

The team supports us in SEO to increase our visibility and optimize our conversion funnels. The great collaboration with Loyamo makes it possible to connect our tutoring students with the best tutors!

Stefan Detering, Digital Product Manager, Studienkreis
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As founders, we have made it our goal to help people find their calling.

In Loyamo, we have found a partner who shares the same mentality and works with us to set the course for successful online marketing. We particularly appreciate the personal approach and the comprehensive expertise in SEO and content creation.

Elisa & Paola, Founders & CEOs, Matchrs
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Referenz Patrick Grunwald
Loyamo has established itself as an important SEO partner for C&A over the past few years.

We appreciate the high quality and strategic advice and the open discussions about the daily challenges in SEO. We look forward to working with Loyamo in the future and are absolutely convinced that we can benefit from Loyamo’s expertise.

Patrick Grunwald, Head of SEO, C&A
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Loyamo's expertise in search engine optimization has led to a significant increase in organic traffic to our website.

The team at Loyamo took the time to understand our individual goals and develop customized strategies for us. Their professionalism and commitment made the whole process smooth.

David Gruber, CEO, SWISS DJ
viu website
Loyamo has significantly strengthened our online presence with their in-depth SEO expertise.

Through ongoing optimization, tailored keyword strategies and technical adjustments, Loyamo has not only sustainably improved our visibility in search results, but has also established itself as an indispensable partner for our long-term digital marketing strategy.

Their transparent communication and professional approach set the standard for a lasting and successful collaboration.

Jochen Mumme, Vice President Marketing, VIU Eyewear

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & answers on search engine optimization

Are there quick wins for SEO?

Basically, there are some measures that can be implemented quickly and can therefore represent quick wins in SEO. These are largely located in the area of content and meta information. However, it should be noted that SEO can sometimes have a more long-term effect.

The costs for good SEO cannot be generalized. A good SEO agency is characterized by not offering “packages” at fixed prices. The extent and scope of analyses, tests and consulting will vary depending on the individual starting position and the goals being pursued.

An assessment of search engine optimization measures can often be validated without the use of tools. Better positioning in the SERPs is proof of good work. It should be noted that organic growth in visibility may become visible after a few months.

While analysis and implementation can usually be completed within a few weeks, search engine optimization can sometimes be a somewhat longer process. This depends on the scope of the domain, the number of URLs and sources of errors and varies depending on the customer and project, but a relaunch from an SEO perspective can also make sense in some cases if the effort involved in converting the existing CMS is too high.

No. The requirements for a website can change on a daily basis. Ideally, SEO should be an ongoing process in which you regularly question the status quo, continuously review it, take measures and make adjustments.

Would you like to optimize your website yourself, but have no idea where to start? No problem. In addition to SEA and conversion workshops, our SEO agency also offers targeted workshops with a focus on search engine optimization.

Finding a good SEO agency is often not that easy, as the market has become almost unmanageable for laypeople. The agency landscape is very heterogeneous and there are some agencies that are all too happy to advertise with the latest certifications and awards or cite a large number of DAX30 companies as references. The most important differentiating criterion on which you should base your decision is the personal interview. Contact the SEO agency and arrange a non-binding meeting. This will help you, but also the agency, to get an idea of the potential and the costs involved. At this point, we would like to point out that you should never agree to monthly SEO packages at a fixed price. On the one hand, there are small sites that have a lot of untapped potential and therefore require a lot of effort and, on the other hand, there are also large sites that already exploit a lot of potential in SEO and require little effort. For this reason, we at Loyamo always start all SEO projects with an SEO Quick Check, which helps us to estimate the effort required for your project. This is followed by a full SEO audit and implementation of the measures or monitoring of the implementation of the measures. The most important aspects when looking for an agency are

  • Get recommendations from reputable sources
  • Ensure that the consultant and SEO agency have a professional appearance
  • Have the procedure for the services explained to you in detail
  • Agree on sensible order packages and contract durations
  • Insist on transparency in terms of prices and reporting
Become an SEO professional with our SEO seminar

Learn everything about search engine optimization and how you can increase your own online presence in our SEO seminar. Practical exercises and case studies will help you to internalize the content you have learned and apply it to your company.

You can take part in one of our SEO seminars either online or on site.

We cover the following content in focused small group training:

  • SEO overview
  • Technology and content SEO
  • AI in SEO
  • Important tools
  • Measuring KPIs
  • Evaluate trends
  • Keyword research
Our work in figures

We are passionate about our work and develop individual strategies.

We have worked for 212 clients since 2016.
We support companies from 23 different industries.
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