Keyword research to find topics

Discover untapped content potential, expand your content and find conversion-generating keywords to effectively address your target group.

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Our services & levers for keyword research

Detailed keyword research is the basis for good content marketing, which in turn is used in a targeted manner to acquire new customers, influence the image of the company or increase awareness of a brand, a product or a person.

Keyword research process

Keyword research can be divided into various steps:

Brainstorming session to create a list of potential keywords with a focus on products or services that the company offers and topics that may be of interest to the target audience.

Use of tools
Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest or Semrush to expand the list and find more keyword ideas. These tools can also provide you with important data on each keyword, such as monthly search volume and competition level.

Competition analysis
Analyze which keywords competitors are ranking for. This can provide further keyword ideas and help to identify gaps in your own keyword strategy.

Prioritization of keywords
Based on the data collected, keywords are prioritized according to search volume, competition and relevance to the business.

content keyword
✔ Improved visibility

Identification and integration of relevant keywords increase the findability of your website in search engines.

✔ Efficient advertising campaigns

Targeted selection of cost-effective keywords for PPC ads improves the efficiency of your advertising campaigns.

✔ Long-term strategies

Provides a basis for long-term SEO strategies, takes trends and seasonal fluctuations into account.

✔ Targeted content development

The integration of relevant keywords in content and ads optimizes the focus on the needs of the target group.

✔ Voice search optimization

Adaptation of content to voice-controlled search queries improves findability in voice search.

✔ Target group understanding

Keyword analyses provide insight into customer needs and enable more targeted marketing strategies.

Keyword research for targeted business success

But you have to know what the relevant levers are!

Keyword research can give your company a major competitive advantage! Choosing the right keyword has a direct influence on how high up your company appears in Google searches and therefore influences users to click on your product. Correct keywording therefore has a direct influence on your company’s profits and your brand perception.

One of the most important areas of search engine optimization is keyword visibility. However, visibility is a very complex value, as rankings for individual keywords are often not interpretable by an untrained eye. Variable influencing factors in particular lead to incorrect assessments and results, which in turn leads to incorrect prioritization of keywords. If these are interpreted correctly, visibility is extremely important for the internet presence, as it acts as an early warning system to detect changes in your company or your competitors. We make sure that your company has the right visibility.

When conducting keyword research, the first step should always be to focus on the company’s products and services. Therefore, at the beginning of the research, you try to find specific keywords that are close to the company’s products, while you gradually move away from the specific keywords later on. After the research, the keyword analysis begins, where we dive deeper into the problems, statements and visibility of the keywords.

We pay particular attention to the monthly search volume of the keywords, as this is crucial for the success of the search term. A distinction is made between long-tail and short-head keywords, as these are more or less relevant for SEA or SEO depending on the size of the company. For small companies, for example, it can be worth bidding on long keywords with several words, as otherwise they will be lost among the large companies.

Keyword research is an essential step in any SEO or online marketing strategy. It helps you better understand what your target audience is searching for and allows you to optimize your content, SEO strategy and paid campaigns accordingly.

Although keyword research can be challenging at first, there are a variety of tools and resources that can help you develop an effective keyword strategy that will help you drive more qualified traffic to your website and achieve your online goals.

At Loyamo, we know how important keyword research is to the success of your website. Whether you need help identifying the right keywords, conducting a detailed keyword analysis or implementing your keyword strategy, we’re here to help. Our team of SEO experts have the experience and know-how to ensure you get the best possible results from your keyword research.

Are you interested in a consultation?

Arrange a non-binding initial consultation today and see for yourself.

We have been working with Loyamo on a basis of trust for years.

The team provides us with strong support throughout the entire SEO process. From keyword research and assistance with technical SEO to optimized texts for dedicated landing pages, Loyamo is the number one contact because they work reliably and flexibly, but also approach the matter critically in order to achieve the best possible result for the TUM Campus Heilbronn. Loyamo is also the first choice for other website issues, such as the short-term implementation of WordPress instances, due to their expertise and flexibility.

Malte Mattick, Marketing Manager Website, TUM Campus Heilbronn
ifolor blog
We've been partnering with Loyamo since 2018.

We’ve been partnering with Loyamo since 2018, crafting a series of flourishing content marketing campaigns. Loyamo’s impressive SEO skills, combined with their creative content strategies, have effectively achieved and often surpassed our campaign goals and expectations.

Mauro Cattaneo, SEO Lead, ifolor
viu website
Loyamo has significantly strengthened our online presence with their in-depth SEO expertise.

Through ongoing optimization, tailored keyword strategies and technical adjustments, Loyamo has not only sustainably improved our visibility in search results, but has also established itself as an indispensable partner for our long-term digital marketing strategy.

Their transparent communication and professional approach set the standard for a lasting and successful collaboration.

Jochen Mumme, Vice President Marketing, VIU Eyewear

Importance of keyword research for SEO and SEA

Why do you need keyword research?

Keyword research is an essential component of any successful SEO strategy. It is the process of identifying and analyzing specific search terms that people type into search engines. The insights gained from this research can help inform and guide your company’s content strategy, SEO and general marketing. In SEO, keyword research helps uncover potential new topics for your website content as well as provide keywords that can be used to optimize existing content.

However, keyword research is not only of fundamental relevance for the SEO optimization of a website’s content, but is also crucial for paid search on Google. Thorough keyword research can help you create more effective advertising campaigns by selecting the right keywords to bid on. It is important to note that the cost of keywords in Google Ads is determined on an auction basis. This means that the cost of a keyword can increase as more advertisers bid for it. Therefore, it can make sense to use long-tail keywords or niche keywords that have less competition and therefore often lower costs.

Short tail keywords

Are very general and usually consist of one or two words, e.g. “shoes”. They usually have a high search volume, but also high competition.

Are more specific and often consist of three or more words, e.g. “red running shoes for women”. They usually have a lower search volume, but also less competition.

Are highly specific and often have a very low search volume. However, they are very valuable as they often signal a high purchase intent and have little competition.

Frequently Asked Ques­tions

Questions & answers on keyword research

What is a keyword?

A keyword (also known as a keyword, search word, key phrase or simply search term) is the total of all words that are entered into the search field of a search engine. Some keywords are searched for more frequently on Google and some less frequently. Some are searched 100,000 times a month, some 1,000 times and some only 10 times. According to Google’s own information, 15% of all search queries consist of keywords that no one has ever searched for before.

Keyword research is the process of identifying, analyzing and sorting keywords that are relevant to your target audience. It is used to determine the search terms that your potential customers enter into search engines when they are looking for products, services or content related to your business. It helps to understand what your target audience is searching for, what terms they are using, how high the demand for these terms is and how strong the competition for these terms is.

Keyword research guides the content and helps to decide which topics should be covered in the blog and on the website. Optimizing content for specific keywords can increase the visibility of a website and bring in qualified traffic. It also helps you understand what information your target audience is looking for and what language they use.

For a broad-based company with many products and services, where many current and potential topics come into question, keyword research can sometimes take a long time. You should definitely reckon with several days here! Due to the individual steps that need to be worked on carefully and the creation of a keyword strategy, enough time must be planned.

Keyword research consists of a large number of individual components. Starting with the search terms of the GSC, keywords of direct competitors and topic-relevant areas, through to brainstorming and terms from the stakeholder environment. These are processed using relevant metrics, clustered and poured into a meaningful structure for the client. We usually hand these over to our clients in the form of a comprehensive Excel file and a PDF with learnings and recommendations.

Understanding search intent and knowing what the target audience wants to achieve with a particular search query can help to select the right keywords and create content accordingly. Some keywords may have seasonal trends, so seasonality should be taken into account during keyword research and planning. Also, long-tail keywords with less search volume and less competition can often have a higher conversion rate.

There are a variety of tools that can help with keyword research and to find as many relevant keywords as possible. Among the most popular are the Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Semrush, and Google Trends.

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