Microsoft Ads agency

Generate greater reach, boost your sales and increase your visibility to ensure your long-term success.

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Our services & levers in the area of Microsoft Ads

Microsoft Ads are displayed on the second largest search engine network and can achieve a wide reach. As the Microsoft search engine, formerly Bing, is not to be neglected, we will show you how to successfully run search engine advertising with our help.

Ongoing optimization

The work in the account is not yet complete with the creation of the account, the campaigns and the ads. Many settings need to be tested, especially at the beginning, as there is still little user data available. We report on the performance of your ads in a regular meeting and provide specific recommendations for action. There is time for your questions about search engine advertising on Microsoft Bing or Google Ads. We take care of ongoing activities such as analyzing search terms and improving ad texts for you. Our aim is to perfect your campaigns in order to increase the number of conversions and reduce advertising costs. With our advice, you can bid on the keywords with the highest probability of purchase and thus gain valuable customers.

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✔ More reach

Microsoft Ads increase visibility across Bing, MSN and Outlook, reaching a wider audience.

✔ Higher sales

Precise targeting can lead to higher conversion rates, which in turn increases your sales.

✔ Targeted ad placement

Targeting by demographic characteristics and locations optimizes advertising budget efficiency.

✔ Microsoft integrations

Seamless integration with platforms such as Microsoft 365 and LinkedIn for targeted ads and consistent brand presence.

✔ Comprehensive reporting

Tools for tracking performance and analyzing clicks, impressions and conversion rates for efficient management.

✔ Competitive CPC

Microsoft Ads often offers lower CPCs compared to Google Ads and enables strategic budget optimization.

How do Microsoft Ads work?

Let’s dive into the world of Microsoft Bing ads together!

Microsoft Ads, formerly Bing Ads, is a platform on which advertisements for the Microsoft Bing search engine can be created and published. If you do not yet have an account in Microsoft Ads, we will be happy to set one up in close cooperation with you.

After completion, we will research relevant keywords that match your target group. A user searching for content with a keyword should click on your ad via meaningful CTAs and then find all relevant information on the landing page of the website.

Ad extensions can be used to enlarge the ad in the search results. For example, sitelinks to subpages can additionally arouse the interest of users. The probability of display is based on a bidding process and the quality of the ads. The click price can be reduced if the ad texts are optimized, thereby increasing the relevance of the ad. As a Microsoft Advertising agency, we can advise you on the right bids and bidding strategy to support your objectives.

Microsoft Ads Bidding Strategies & Best Practices

Our many years of experience passed on to you!

Bidding strategies:

Maximize clicks
Microsoft Ads uses a fixed bid to optimize your display so that as many clicks as possible are achieved.

Maximize conversions
Microsoft Ads uses machine learning to generate as many conversions as possible with the help of the daily budget.

Target CPA and target ROAS
As many conversions as possible are generated at a maximum CPA or a target return on ad spend.

10 Microsoft Ads best practice approaches

  1. Analyze your target groups and create suitable segments.
  2. Add a meaningful call-to-action to your ad texts.
  3. Explain your offer clearly and simply.
  4. Write ads in the language of your target groups.
  5. Import high-performance campaigns from Google Ads.
  6. Use ad extensions to enlarge the ad.
  7. Implement Universal Event Tracking sensibly.
  8. Improve ad relevance by optimizing descriptions.
  9. Check Microsoft’s recommendations for the optimization factor.
  10. Test different campaign types and ad texts.
Are you interested in a consultation?

Arrange a non-binding initial consultation today and see for yourself.

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Last week we did a complete website, Google SEO and SEA relaunch with Loyamo.

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Loyamo has been an important partner for us for a few years now!

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We look forward to continuing our collaboration.

Thanks to Loyamo’s expertise in SEA, we not only continuously maximize our visibility in paid search results, but also experience a sustained increase in qualified traffic. For us, Loyamo is an indispensable partner for sustainable digital success.

Jochen Mumme, Vice President Marketing, VIU Eyewear
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Our Google Shopping account was a mess.

With Loyamo’s help, we were able to set it up from scratch via Google Ads, focus on the customer group and achieve better SEA results. We had one contact person who took care of everything the whole time. The focus was always on achieving the best performance with the means available. Absolutely focused on the customer and their needs.

Stephan Bayer, Director, Metav Werkzeuge GmbH
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For us, the collaboration with Loyamo makes perfect sense.

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Loyamo's customized SEA strategies have not only increased the visibility of our ads, but also improved the quality of our leads.

Through their data-driven approach, continuous analysis and targeted adjustments, they have optimized our ad campaigns. Communication was transparent and efficient. We always felt well informed about the progress of our campaigns and could rely on the team to do everything they could to achieve our goals.

David Gruber, CEO, SWISS DJ

Frequently Asked Ques­tions

Questions & Answers about Microsoft Ads

Is it worthwhile for companies to place Microsoft Ads?

With Microsoft Ads, you can not only place ads on Microsoft Bing, but also use the Microsoft network with Yahoo! and Ecosia, among others. This increases the reach of the second most powerful search engine even further. As a Microsoft Ads agency, we can make a clear recommendation for search engine advertising if your product portfolio matches the users of Bing. The target group is even more strongly in the B2B sector, for which ads on this search engine are particularly worthwhile. As Bing Ads are used less frequently than Google Ads for paid marketing, the click prices tend to be lower. The account can be set up quickly and easily by importing the campaigns and settings from Google Ads.

Are you already running ads in Microsoft Bing and want to improve performance? There are a few points that you should look at directly when optimizing. We are a Microsoft Ads agency that knows all the functionalities of Microsoft Bing through many years of experience and can analyze the relevant next steps. How relevant are your ads? Have you set the right target region and language? Are you using website and keyword exclusions? Have you created different campaigns for topics or product groups? Are the users’ search terms relevant or do keywords have to be booked as negative? Have you already created a cross-campaign keyword exclusion list? Have ads been rejected by the guidelines?

If you have already set up and optimized a Google Ads account, you have the option of importing high-performance campaigns to Bing Ads. You should think carefully about which campaigns are profitable and suit the target group on Microsoft Ads. To do this, analyze the relevant KPIs such as impressions, clicks and conversions. There are various ways to start an import in Microsoft Ads. Click on Import in the navigation bar and then on Import from Google Ads. The import can either be carried out once or automatically on a weekday. You can schedule the import so that it transfers updates from Google Ads at a suitable time. Adjustments can be made in the advanced import settings.

The universal event tracking tag is implemented on a website in order to measure events. These events are user interactions such as clicks on a button, filling out a contact form or the time spent on the page. In order to manage successful campaigns on Microsoft Ads, Microsoft requires a sufficiently large amount of data. By setting up microconversions, website data such as a certain number of pages can be tracked for a certain length of stay. The UET tag is integrated via the Google Tag Manager. Take advantage of our expertise to quickly implement the UET tag on your website. We can determine and track micro-conversion goals in close consultation with you. We then set up the appropriate conversion campaigns in Microsoft Ads.

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We have worked for 212 clients since 2016.
We support companies from 23 different industries.
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