Pinterest agency Munich

Optimize your ad management, create high-quality content and continuously monitor your success to efficiently achieve your marketing goals on Pinterest.

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Our services & levers on Pinterest

Pinterest is a place that combines browsing, discovering and buying. Pinterest is used as a decision-making aid and inspiration. We take care of your ads, strategy and advice so that you can achieve success through inspiration!


Pinterest serves as a source of inspiration for hundreds of millions of users worldwide and has a young and active target group that primarily appeals to women. Nevertheless, men are slowly following suit. In recent years, Pinterest has also become increasingly popular in Germany. A good time to get to grips with Pinterest. As a Pinterest marketing agency, we accompany your company throughout the entire Pinterest process and keep you up to date with relevant account details in order to derive recommendations for action and optimization needs.

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✔ Reach

With clever creation, you can distribute your content on Pinterest in the form of images and videos with very high reach potential. 13 million people are active on the platform every month.

✔ Virality

Pinterest offers the potential for virality through high-quality and excitingly designed pins. The advertising formats offered by Pinterest can additionally support the viral effect on the platform.

✔ All target groups

Pinterest reaches a wide variety of target groups and invites people to browse, discover and buy. It is used as a decision-making aid and inspiration and is being focused on by more and more companies.

How does Pinterest work?

Save visual content on themed Pinterest boards.

The principle of Pinterest is very simple – content is created which users can then pin, i.e. save. By saving the content, it is distributed via pinboards. When a user saves content, it usually ends up on a pinboard. Other users can then access and repin it, meaning that saved content is saved by another user.

Pinterest is more about finding ideas and the user themselves. This also distinguishes Pinterest from other social media platforms.

But what content do users see?

When they first start Pinterest, users can choose topics that interest them. Later on, the start feed is then regularly adapted to the pinned content of a user in order to cover their interests, but also to provide them with new inspiration.

Who do I reach with my content?

Users on Pinterest couldn’t be more diverse. From young to old, everything is included. Accordingly, their interests are also broadly diversified. This means that every company has the opportunity to reach users and use their pinboards to find out more about their target group.

Pinterest advertising formats

Address your target group precisely to increase your brand awareness.

Promoted Pins: Promoted Pins are the standard ads on Pinterest. They are based on your normal Pins that you have already published. As soon as you turn them into Promoted Pins, they will appear on the pinboards of your subscribers as well as users who have not yet subscribed to you.

Promoted Video Pins: A Promoted Video Pin is a video that is used for advertising purposes. You can use it to increase both your reach and your visibility. Short videos of 15-45 seconds are recommended here.

One-tap Pins: A One-tap Pin is basically like a Promoted Pin, but when you click on the Pin, you are taken to your company’s website and do not get a large view as usual.

Promoted App Pins: The purpose of Promoted App Pins is to install your app directly when the pin is clicked. This advertising format is therefore particularly suitable for you if you want to advertise an app.

Cinematic Pins: Cinematic Pins contain a short clip that is played when the user scrolls over the clip in their feed. This is motion-based – for example, if the user scrolls backwards, the clip is played backwards. The purpose behind this is that content that behaves differently is more likely to be noticed.

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Arrange a non-binding initial consultation today and see for yourself.

Pinterest best practice approaches

Use the power!

1. be authentic

Your Pinterest ads should perfectly reflect your brand promise. Because authentic ads make you stand out from the crowd and attract your ideal customers. But you probably already knew that!

Promotional pins that you design should be aesthetic and exciting. However, Pinterest also formulates clear quality requirements – for example, advertising pins should be grammatically correct or do without many symbols.

This is not an explicit requirement for your advertising pins, but it is still a best practice approach. Portrait pins appear much more prominently in search queries and therefore attract more attention. The portrait format also proves to be practical for mobile users, as the pins can be displayed better this way.

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Professional, proactive support and innovative approaches

Loyamo’s social media strategy has not only maximized our reach, but has also led to a sustained increase in interactions and brand awareness. Their professional, proactive support and innovative approaches have been invaluable to us.

Jochen Mumme, Vice President Marketing, VIU Eyewear
Loyamo is a very strong and capable partner

Loyamo is a very strong and capable partner in the planning and implementation of sophisticated paid social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok. Thanks to their support, we are continuously increasing our visibility, reach and interactions with our relevant target groups.

Anna-Lena Berthold, Online Marketing Managerin, TUM Campus Heilbronn
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The collaboration with Loyamo over the past months has been a great journey of growth and learning.

We received expert support at all times on our LinkedIn & SEO strategy and tailored recommendations. The team’s professionalism, commitment and responsiveness exceeded our expectations. We recommend Loyamo to anyone in search of high-level digital support.

Sara Bernardi, Key Account Director, Mr. Marine

Frequently Asked Ques­tions

Questions & answers about Pinterest marketing

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social network with a visual search engine. Users can sort images and videos on pinboards for free. This allows companies to create pins that either serve as inspiration for users or present specific products with links so that users can buy them directly. Pinterest can also be used as a social network where users can find like-minded people.

Pinterest is basically an online pinboard that every user can design themselves. Every area of interest is covered on Pinterest, so the variety of users is correspondingly large. Pins on beauty, fashion, food, hobbies, home and much more are in vogue. Users can be encouraged to buy your product via advertising pins or you can create inspiration using aesthetic images or short videos.

Pinterest is definitely useful for a company. Visually appealing content can drive a lot of traffic to your own site and also attract users who don’t otherwise use any other social platform. There is also a wide variety of users on Pinterest and with the right expertise, every company can find ways to appeal to its target group.

Searching for keywords on Pinterest is similar to searching for hashtags on TikTok or Instagram. Relevant keywords must be found and then integrated in a suitable place. It is important to follow trends, but still use keywords that match the content. The creation of advertising pins can of course be explicitly geared towards trending keywords.

Pinterest covers many of the functions of other social platforms. However, the biggest differences are in pin creation, storage and the associated pinboard creation. If you create content for Pinterest and upload it, this is called a pin. If a user saves this pin, it is called repinning. Your pins are collected on pinboards, which can be assigned to specific topics or contain all sorts of things.

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