SEO Optimized Texts

Digital Marketing Blog

In this blog post, you will find out why SEO optimized texts are essential and how you can use them effectively to increase your visibility. As a performance marketing agency, we support clients of various sizes and industries in content marketing and know how to write texts that are optimized for search engines.

What are SEO optimized texts?

SEO means search engine optimization and SEO-optimized texts or SEO texts (since optimization is already in the name in SEO) are therefore content pieces that are specifically designed to rank well. They contain targeted keywords and are WDF*IDF-optimized.

However, it is important that these SEO texts do not contain pure keyword stuffing, but are always informative and easy to read and, above all, offer the user added value. Keyword stuffing describes the excessive use of keywords, which can lead to a poorer rating by search engines. The texts should have a high keyword density but still be easy to read and not just string keywords together.

Why are SEO optimized texts important?

In today’s digital world, visibility is a decisive success factor. Because: without visibility there are no rankings and without rankings there is no traffic. Users search for products or solutions in the search engine, and if your website does not appear on the first search results page (SERP), you are missing out on potential customers.

SEO-optimized texts are the key to ranking better in search results. They help search engines like Google to understand your website and classify it as relevant for certain search queries. By improving your visibility in search results, you can drive more organic traffic to your website and therefore increase your reach, sales and conversions.

SEO content offers these advantages

There are various advantages to optimizing your content for SEO. We have summarized the most important benefits for you at a glance.

  • Increased visibility: To ensure that your content is not only recognized and understood by users, but also by search engines, the search engine optimization guidelines should be met. This leads to a higher ranking in the search results.
  • More traffic: This better positioning in the SERPs attracts more traffic to the site. Well-optimized content can significantly increase the number of users.
  • Better user experience: SEO-optimized content is well-structured and usually user-friendly.
  • Competitive advantage & brand awareness: With high-quality SEO content, you can stand out from the competition and build authority in your industry. This creates trust and retains readers in the long term.

Writing SEO texts – how it works

The first step is to identify the main keyword and other relevant sub-keywords. This is usually done through keyword research.

How do I find the right keyword?

To find the right keyword for your business, you first need to make sure that the topic is interesting and relevant to your business. The focus keyword should have an appropriate search volume to attract enough potential customers from your target group. Various tools (e.g. Sistrix or similar) can be helpful here to identify the relevance and search intent of the main keyword. At the same time, it is important that the keyword is not yet served on other landing pages of your website in order to prevent so-called keyword cannibalism.

Helpful Content

You then need to set yourself the goal of providing really high-quality content. Make sure that your texts are well structured (especially by using headings and highlighting individual words and phrases) and that the keywords are integrated in a natural way.


The headings should be precise and informative and contain relevant keywords. It is important for the search engine to structure the headings with HTML tags (h-tags). The following applies: h1 is the most important heading, followed by h2, h3 etc.

Good h-structure for seo optimized text


To ensure that the content can be found by both users and search engines, it must be sufficiently linked on your website. Internal links to further, thematically relevant content pieces are also important in order to create connections and keep users on the site for longer. This strategy can also help to strengthen the authority of your site in a particular subject area.


As more and more users are surfing with mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets, it is crucial that your website and its content are optimized for mobile devices. This includes a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes or view ports, as well as easy navigation on mobile devices.


After publishing your content, you should always ensure that it is up-to-date. This applies in particular to dynamic subject areas where information can change quickly. For so-called evergreen content, i.e. content that remains permanently relevant and has no direct connection to the present, this is less important, but an occasional review and refresh can still be beneficial.


SEO texts are a decisive success factor in online marketing. You improve the visibility of your website in search results, attract more traffic and increase your chances of conversions. At Loyamo, we are happy to help you optimize your SEO strategy and create tailor-made texts for your business. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you.

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Written by:


Sarah Plank specializes in content, structure and organization. She supports clients particularly in the areas of content, onpage and offpage SEO. She is also active in website development and client CMS support.

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