SEA consulting

Segment your target groups and design your ads according to their needs to drive your business growth.

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Our services & levers for SEA consulting

SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising, also known as paid search advertising, and refers to the placement of ads in search engine results that advertisers pay for when users click on the ads. SEA is important as it allows companies to increase their visibility in search results, target potential customers and increase traffic to their website.

Ad optimization

We continuously monitor and optimize the performance of your ads to ensure they achieve the desired results. This includes reviewing the ads served, adjusting bids, optimizing ad placements and refining targeting parameters. Through A/B testing and analysis of performance data, we identify potential optimization opportunities to increase click through rate (CTR), reduce cost per click (CPC) and improve conversion rate.

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✔ Expertise

Our SEA experts have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of search engine advertising. They know the latest trends, best practices and technologies to develop successful campaigns for your company and implement them.

✔ Competitive advantage

In an increasingly competitive market environment, working with an experienced agency can give you a competitive edge. By benefiting from our experience, you can stand out from your competitors and reach more potential customers.

✔ Customized strategies

On request, we can develop customized SEA strategies for you that are tailored to your company's specific goals, target groups and budgets. The resulting accuracy of the SEA strategy maximizes the chances of a successful campaign.

✔ Tools & technologies

Access to advanced tools and technology is essential for effective SEA consulting. We can follow automated bidding strategies and use keyword tools and powerful analytics systems to maximize your campaign performance.

✔ Transpa­rence

We provide you with regular reporting and transparency on the performance of your SEA campaigns. Our detailed analytics and reports allow you to track progress, measure success and make adjustments to improve performance.

✔ Efficiency

Outsourcing SEA consulting to an agency like Loyamo saves your company time and resources. We take over the entire planning, implementation and optimization of the campaigns, while your employees can concentrate on their core competencies.

What is the difference between SEO and SEA?

Good question!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising) are two key strategies in the field of search engine marketing. While SEO aims to improve the visibility of a website in the organic search results, SEA focuses on the placement of ads in the search engine results in return for payment.

SEO requires continuous optimization of the website structure, content and backlinks in order to achieve good rankings in the search results in the long term. In contrast, SEA allows companies to gain immediate visibility by placing ads that are displayed for thematically relevant search queries.

Both strategies have their pros and cons: SEO is long-term and requires patience, while SEA delivers immediate results but incurs ongoing costs. In many cases, SEO and SEA complement each other to form a comprehensive search engine marketing strategy that effectively increases the visibility and reach of a website.

What are common mistakes that companies make when managing their own SEA campaigns?

And how these can be avoided.

When managing their own SEA campaigns, companies often make the following mistakes:

  1. Lack of keyword research: inadequate or inaccurate keyword research can lead to ads being placed for irrelevant search terms, resulting in low click-through rates and inefficient use of budget.

  2. Poor ad quality: Unattractive or unclear ads can lead to potential customers not clicking on the ads. Lack of clarity in ad copy and lack of calls to action are common problems.

  3. Non-optimized landing pages: If the landing pages that the ads link to are not relevant or user-friendly, this can lead to high bounce rates and low conversion rates. A poor user experience on the landing page can affect the effectiveness of the entire campaign.

  4. Lack of conversion tracking: Without effective conversion tracking, companies cannot accurately measure how successful their SEA campaigns actually are. It is important to track conversions to understand which keywords, ads and campaigns are delivering the best results.

  5. Excessive or uncontrolled budget : Inappropriate budget management can lead to companies either spending too much money on SEA without achieving adequate results, or not using their budget effectively and missing out on important opportunities.

  6. Lack of monitoring and optimization: SEA campaigns require continuous monitoring and optimization to maximize performance. Companies that neglect and fail to regularly adjust their campaigns run the risk of losing competitiveness and wasting money.


In our SEA consulting, we work out which mistakes to pay particular attention to in your individual case. We provide you with solutions that you can use to make your SEA marketing more successful. We are happy to support you in the development and implementation of suitable campaigns and keep an eye on the results achieved for you in order to make continuous improvements.

Are you interested in a consultation?

Arrange a non-binding initial consultation today and see for yourself.

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benedikt mueller
physio station logo
Last week we did a complete website, Google SEO and SEA relaunch with Loyamo.

Loyamo provided outstanding support for the project. I am impressed that we met all the deadlines, the concept of the site is very cleverly thought out and structured. The collaboration with the whole Loyamo team is great!

Benedikt Müller, Owner, Physio Station AG
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Loyamo has been an important partner for us for a few years now!

With their customized SEA strategy, they not only supported our successful strategy change last year, but also significantly increased our website traffic and conversions. Their professional team and open communication also set Loyamo apart. We look forward to working with them again!

Jessica Kapp, E-Commerce Shop Managerin, 3 Bears Foods GmbH
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We look forward to continuing our collaboration.

Thanks to Loyamo’s expertise in SEA, we not only continuously maximize our visibility in paid search results, but also experience a sustained increase in qualified traffic. For us, Loyamo is an indispensable partner for sustainable digital success.

Jochen Mumme, Vice President Marketing, VIU Eyewear
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Our Google Shopping account was a mess.

With Loyamo’s help, we were able to set it up from scratch via Google Ads, focus on the customer group and achieve better SEA results. We had one contact person who took care of everything the whole time. The focus was always on achieving the best performance with the means available. Absolutely focused on the customer and their needs.

Stephan Bayer, Director, Metav Werkzeuge GmbH
roomours website
For us, the collaboration with Loyamo makes perfect sense.

For us, the collaboration with Loyamo makes perfect sense because the SEO and SEA measures for roomours GmbH are now perfectly coordinated and Loyamo’s interdisciplinary team is very meticulous about the essential nuances in the respective optimization steps – the hoped-for results were already visible after a short time.

Andreas Struppler, Director, roomours GmbH
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david gruber
Loyamo's customized SEA strategies have not only increased the visibility of our ads, but also improved the quality of our leads.

Through their data-driven approach, continuous analysis and targeted adjustments, they have optimized our ad campaigns. Communication was transparent and efficient. We always felt well informed about the progress of our campaigns and could rely on the team to do everything they could to achieve our goals.

David Gruber, CEO, SWISS DJ

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & answers about SEA consulting

How important is the optimization of ads and target pages for a successful SEA campaign?

Optimizing ads and landing pages is crucial to getting the most out of your SEA campaign. Well-designed ads with compelling copy and engaging visuals can improve click-through rates and reduce cost per click. Equally crucial are optimized landing pages that include relevant content and clear calls to action to convert your website visitors into customers and increase conversion rates.

Although Google is the dominant search engine and most SEA campaigns are based on Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords), SEA also includes other search engines such as Bing. We offer our SEA services for various search engines to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

The budget required to implement an SEA campaign is determined based on various factors. These include the objectives of the campaign, the competitive situation for the selected keywords, the expected results and the company’s financial resources. Our SEA consulting helps you to estimate and determine an appropriate budget and to use the funds available to you efficiently.

The success of an SEA campaign depends on various factors. These include the selection of keywords, the alignment of the content with the target group, the quality of the ads, budget management and the setting of appropriate bids. Equally important are the quality of the landing pages and the continuous measurement and optimization of campaign performance. Together, these factors determine the success of an SEA campaign.

The time it takes to see the long-term results of an SEA campaign can vary depending on the competitive situation, budget, target group and other factors. However, initial results can usually be observed shortly after the campaign is launched, while the full effect increases over time.

Our work in figures

We are passionate about our work and develop individual strategies.

We have worked for 212 clients since 2016.
We support companies from 23 different industries.
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