Google Ads scripts

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If you’re interested in marketing, you’ve probably heard of SEA and Google Ads. But how you can optimize your Ads account with the help of so-called SEA or Google Ads scripts is still a mystery to you? Then we’ll tell you more about the scripts and their benefits for your company in this article!

What are Google Ads scripts?

Google Ads scripts are automated scripts that can be integrated into Google Ads accounts to automate various tasks, analyze data and generate reports. These scripts use the Google Ads API (Application Programming Interface) to access data and perform actions within the account. They can be used to optimize various aspects of Google Ads campaigns, such as changing bidding strategies, updating ad content, monitoring performance data or creating custom reports. By using scripts, you can manage and optimize your ad campaigns more efficiently by automating time-consuming manual tasks and making data-driven decisions.

How SEA scripts can im­prove your Google Ads cam­paigns

SEA scripts, also known as Google Ads scripts, can improve your Google Ads campaigns in various ways. However, it is important to note that not every script function is equally suitable for all companies. For example, while some companies would like to have their ads generated automatically, others prefer to plan this manually in order to maintain full control at all times. For this reason, we recommend that our customers initially use automated monitoring, analysis and notification via scripts before we allow them to intervene directly in the campaigns. In general, however, it can be said that the biggest advantages of scripts for you to choose from are the following:

  1. Bid automation: SEA scripts can be used to automatically adjust bids for keywords, ad groups or campaigns. This allows for more precise control of bids based on various factors such as keyword performance, budget and campaign goals. By automating bids, you can ensure that your ads always appear in relevant search results while optimizing the cost per conversion.
  2. Ad optimization: By automatically creating, updating or pausing ads, various aspects such as adding new ad variations, removing poorly performing ads and adjusting ad copy based on criteria such as performance, user behavior and seasonal trends are taken into account. Through ongoing adjustments and testing, these measures help to improve the relevance and effectiveness of your ads, potentially leading to an increased click-through rate and conversion rate.
  3. Performance monitoring and reporting: SEA scripts can be used to monitor performance data and create customized reports. This includes analyzing clicks, impressions, costs and conversions as well as identifying trends and patterns in the data. By automatically generating reports and alerts on performance issues, you can react quickly to changes and adjust your campaigns accordingly to achieve optimal results.
  4. Keyword and budget management: By monitoring keywords, adding, removing or pausing them and controlling budget spend, SEA scripts allow you to precisely manage keywords and budget to ensure your campaign goals are met. Automating routine tasks related to keyword and budget management helps you save time and ensure your campaigns are efficient and cost-effective.
  5. Automated A/B tests: A/B tests for ad variants are performed automatically by certain SEA scripts, evaluating performance based on previously defined criteria. This allows you to compare the effectiveness of different ad variants and identify those that achieve the best results. Automating these tests allows you to make informed decisions faster and continuously optimize your ads to improve the performance of your campaigns.

We use these 5 Google Ads scripts particular­ly frequent­ly

In the world of digital marketing, efficiency and precision are crucial.

Google Ads scripts are a powerful solution to automate complex processes, improve ad quality and make data-driven decisions in real time, making them an essential part of our advertising strategies.

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Below we tell you more about five free SEA scripts that we use most frequently in our day-to-day work.

Script 1: 404 Link Checker - Google

The Link Checker script provided by Google itself is an indispensable tool for every Google Ads account. It continuously checks all elements with stored URLs, including ads and keywords, for their accessibility. In case of problems, you will automatically receive notifications so that you can react quickly to avoid rejected ads due to 404 errors on landing pages.

Setting the automatic execution to hourly in the Ads interface ensures that all links can be checked, even for large accounts. As errors can occur at any time, regular execution of this script is essential to quickly identify and fix potential problems.

Script 2: PMax Script - 6clickz

In Google Ads accounts, there are unfortunately only limited options for evaluating a Performance Max campaign. However, the PMax script helps to facilitate the evaluation by providing an overview of the costs for Shopping, Video, Search and Display and delivering product performance data at campaign and asset group level.

Based on these findings, valuable recommendations for action can be made to optimize or remove assets, which will help to increase your campaign success in the long term and use your marketing budget more wisely.

Script 3: Account Anomaly Detector - Google

The Account Anomaly Detector script compares current statistics from your Google Ads campaign with historical data from the same day of the week. If the average values of the past 26 weeks deviate too much from the current and predicted performance data, you will receive an email notification informing you of the change.

The monitoring of metrics such as clicks, impressions, costs and conversions prevents undesirable developments from continuing unnoticed and causing damage to your account. The script informs you of irregularities at an early stage and gives you the opportunity to take prompt countermeasures to increase the success of your campaign.

Script 4: Quality Score Tracker - PPC Epiphany

The Quality Score Tracker script allows you to track the quality scores of your keywords in Google Ads. It automatically creates a document in Google Drive that contains the daily quality scores for all keywords. In addition, the average values per day are shown in a dashboard to provide an overview of the quality score development.

The script can also be used at MCC level for multiple accounts and should be run once a day to collect all the necessary information. Thanks to the storage of the scores and the clear presentation, you always have a good overview of the quality of your active keywords and can make any necessary adjustments.

Script 5: N-Gram Script - Brain­labs

As the volume of search queries is constantly increasing, it is particularly relevant to structure the reports on search queries in a meaningful way in order to keep an eye on all relevant data. The N-Gram script facilitates the evaluation of search queries by identifying word combinations that occur particularly frequently in the search queries and classifying them into so-called N-Grams according to their word count. The word combinations and their performance are then analyzed to provide relevant insights into the frequency, conversions and budget consumption of the search queries.

The analysis makes it easier for you to use your ad budget more efficiently by reducing spending on low-converting word combinations and investing in promising word combinations instead. When comparing the performance of short and long-tail keywords, the script can be used to discover other potentially relevant keywords that may have previously been overlooked. Thanks to the continuous insights into the search behavior and performance of different keywords, you can use the N-Gram script to continuously optimize your Google Ads campaigns and thus improve your campaign performance in the long term and use your marketing budget more effectively.

Conclusion: Campaign optimizat­ion with Google Ads scripts

Overall, SEA scripts offer a powerful way to optimize and refine your Google Ads campaigns. By automating bids, optimizing ads, monitoring performance, managing keywords and budgets, and automating A/B testing, they help you work more efficiently and achieve better results. However, it is crucial to carefully choose and customize the scripting features to meet your individual needs and goals. Ultimately, SEA scripts provide valuable support to increase the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns and maximize ROI.

Our team at Loyamo will help you select and customize the right scripting features to unlock the full potential of your Google Ads campaigns. Rely on our expertise to optimize your campaigns, work more efficiently and achieve a higher ROI. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your online advertising goals.

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Kathrin Ranzinger supports clients of all sizes in all areas of online marketing. She focuses in particular on SEA, analytics and tracking as well as reporting and monitoring.

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