A/B Testing

Digital Marketing Blog

Imagine you have a great idea for your next marketing campaign. The ad copy is written, the design is perfect – but how do you find out which campaign really works for your audience? That’s where A/B testing comes in.

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing is an indispensable tool in digital marketing to understand and optimize how users react to your website or app. It allows you to directly compare different versions of your online content and find out which version delivers the best performance.

We will show you how to set up and carry out a perfect A/B test step by step. We will look together at how important A/B tests are for the conversion optimization and usability of your website and how we as an SEO agency can help you to make this process efficient.

Application areas of A/B testing

A/B testing is a powerful tool that allows you to optimize various elements of your digital presence. Here are some of the most important areas of application:

Website elements

  • Test titles, buttons, images and colors to increase user attention and engagement.
  • Adapt the structure of the page and navigation bars to improve user-friendliness and usability design.
  • Test algorithms and business models to increase effectiveness and optimize conversion rates.

Marketing and product development

  • Email campaigns, ads and landing pages vary to find the best way to reach your target audience.
  • Test pricing models and product prototypes in an offline context, which can be particularly beneficial for start-ups as it offers a cost-efficient and effective method.
  • Try different approaches in product development and UI/UX design to refine the user experience.

User Engagement

  • Improve conversion rates by testing different design layouts, placements and styles of call-to-actions (CTAs).
  • Evaluate the effect of color schemes and fonts to influence visual perception. Measure the effectiveness of headings, subheadings, forms and input fields.
  • Compare the influence of images and multimedia elements to maximize user interaction.


By testing different variants, you will obtain valuable data that will show you which elements work best. This way, you can ensure that you continuously improve your users’ experience and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Optimization with A/B testing

A/B testing is a statistical comparison method that aims to compare different variants of a basic version of a website or a screen of a mobile application. It allows significant changes to be made to the web design and dynamic content to be evaluated that is tailored to the visitor.


The aim of A/B testing is to find out which version of your website, text or buttons performs better: the original version or the modified version. By testing variants A and B on different parts of the target group and comparing their performance based on a conversion rate, data-driven user interactions, such as purchases or newsletter sign-ups, can be increased continuously and quickly.

A/B testing is not only a tool for data engineers and marketers, but also for designers, software engineers and entrepreneurs to understand growth, increase revenue and optimize customer satisfaction.

In social media marketing on sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, A/B testing is used to optimize services and make the user experience more successful. It is a simple randomized controlled experiment that compares samples of a single vector variable and focuses on a variation that could influence user behavior.


Although A/B testing typically shows the same variant to all users, reactions to variants can be heterogeneous. A segmentation strategy can be used based on the test results to target specific customer segments more effectively.

It is important to understand that while A/B testing offers clear benefits, it also has its limitations as it is limited to specific design problems with measurable results and can be potentially costly and time consuming.

Step-by-step guide to A/B testing

To carry out effective A/B testing, it is important that you plan and implement the steps carefully. We can guide you along the way and make sure you get the valuable insights you need to optimize your digital content.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Definition of the test objective

Clearly determine what you want to achieve with the A/B test. Whether it’s increasing the conversion rate, improving the click-through rate or increasing user engagement – define measurable goals.

Selection of test variants: Select two variants that you would like to test. These could be two different video productions that only differ in one feature to determine which version performs better in terms of user engagement and conversion rate.

2. Carrying out the test

Divide your test subjects into two groups and show each group one of the two variants.
Track and collect data on the test subjects’ interactions with the different variants.

3. Analysis and optimization

Compare the success rates of both variants within the test period.
Select the variant with the higher conversion rate and better click rates and optimize it further.

Note that it is recommended to only change one variable at a time in order to accurately assess its impact on customer behavior. This will help you to draw clear conclusions and maximize the results of your tests.

Conclusion and next steps after an A/B test

By using A/B testing, you have gained a deep insight into your users’ behavior and can now make informed decisions to improve engagement and conversion rates. Our conversion experts are on hand to help you overcome the complex challenges of A/B testing and guide your company or project more efficiently towards the desired goals.

It has become clear that A/B testing is not only essential for large corporations, but also for smaller companies and start-ups in order to survive in the digital competition.

The continuous optimization of your digital content based on real user data is crucial for the success of your company.

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions & answers about A/B testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a process in which two variants of an element (e.g. web pages, headlines or call-to-action buttons) are tested against each other to determine which variant performs better.

In email marketing, A/B testing refers to a process in which a sample of the recipient list is used to find out which version of an email generates more engagement. After a marketing email has been created, a second version B is developed to investigate how a specific change affects the email’s open or click-through rates.

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Written by:


Ali Hirlak specializes in SEO and project management, as well as the creation of user-friendly and converting websites. He also supports the team and our clients in all matters relating to online marketing.

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